Notice of a public meeting of


Decision Session - Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities



Councillors Pavlovic



Thursday, 18 July 2024



3.30 pm



West Offices - Station Rise, York YO1 6GA








Notice to Members – Post Decision Calling In:


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in any item* on this agenda, notice must be given to Democratic Services by 4:00 pm on Tuesday 23rd July 2024.


*With the exception of matters that have been the subject of a previous call in, require Full Council approval or are urgent, which are not subject to the call-in provisions. Any called in items will be considered by the Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee.




Written representations in respect of items on this agenda should be submitted to Democratic Services by 5.00 pm on Friday 12th July 2024.




1.          Declarations of Interest 

(Pages 1 - 2)


At this point in the meeting, the Executive Member is asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest, or other registerable interest, they might have in respect of business on this agenda, if they have not already done so in advance on the Register of Interests. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.


An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.


[Please see attached sheet for further guidance for Members].




2.          Minutes 

(Pages 3 - 4)


To approve and sign the minutes of the Decision Session held on 28th February 2024.




3.          Public Participation 



At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so. Members of the public may speak on agenda items or on matters within the remit of the committee.


Please note that our registration deadlines have changed to 2 working days before the meeting. The deadline for registering at this meeting is at 5.00pm on Friday 12th July 2024.


 To register to speak please visit to fill out an online registration form. If you have any questions about the registration form or the meeting please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting whose details can be found at the foot of the agenda.


Webcasting of Public Meetings


Please note that, subject to available resources, this public meeting will be webcast including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. The public meeting can be viewed on demand at




4.          E-petition - Releasing Section 106 Funds to Osbaldwick Sports Club 

(Pages 5 - 20)


The purpose of this report is to provide the Executive Member with information and response to an e-petition the Council received in respect of Section 106 Agreements, specifically in relation to Osbaldwick Sports Club and planning obligations.




5.          Leveraging more retrofit investment into York 

(Pages 21 - 56)


The council has been successful in applying for and utilising significant grant funding alongside our own investment to deliver retrofit projects to many council homes as well as those in the private sector. It is developing a ‘retrofit one stop shop’ which it is hoped will both develop demand for retrofit and remove barriers to delivery.


This report looks to supplement this activity through taking a proactive approach to bringing further retrofit investment into the city through Energy Company Obligation 4 LA Flex (“ECO4”) funding, a government energy-efficiency scheme designed to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce carbon emissions.




6.          Urgent Business 



Any other business which the Executive Member considers urgent under the Local Government Act 1972.




Democracy Officer: Ben Jewitt

Telephone No: 01904 553073







For more information about any of the following please contact the Democratic Services Officer responsible for servicing this meeting:


·        Registering to speak

·        Business of the meeting

·        Any special arrangements

·        Copies of reports and

·        For receiving reports in other formats


Contact details are set out above.



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